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How To Guide To Good Writing

Every writer has a favorite book or author to help them in their quest to be a better writer. For myself, it is Mitchell Ivers' Random House Guide to Good Writing which has inspired me to write and to write well.Ivers' book identifies what is good writing, the voice and tone of writing, structure and plot, grammar, and more. What I like about the book is that Ivers writes in a style that is easy to follow and not overflowing with verbosity: Ivers goes straight to the point when giving examples. So, when you read "Guide to Good Writing" you come away wanting to write not having to write. In ot

200 Years of Service (Grier's Almanac)

One of my favorite "reads" are almanacs. From the formerly named Information Please almanac to the Old Farmer's Almanac, these handy paperback books contain a wealth of information on virtually any subject, particularly the more generalized tomes such as Information Please.In November 2005, I visited my locally owned drugstore and found that they had free copies of Grier's Almanac available for customers. Similar in design to the Old Farmer's Almanac, I took a copy home with me.Although not peppered with stories such as can be found in the Old Farmer's Almanac, Grier's contains the usual "zod

Explain Book Review Questions For the Discerning Reader

All of us have been asked what we thought of a book after someone has learned that we read it. All of us have been asked to answer some basic book review questions.What was the book about? Did you like it? What did you learn? Was the reading hard or easy? Do you think I should read it? Do you think you would read other books by this author? These are questions anyone might ask of us and they are questions we should be able to answer easily if we have read the book inquisitively, with detailed book review questions anticipated before we read the book.Having your questions in mind before you re
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