Most of us can recall the pleasure that we experienced when we heard our parents or grandparents tell us stories. Enjoying stories is a basic human characteristic and almost all individuals of all ages like a good yarn. This makes stories a great educational tool. Many people are scared of teaching their own kids because a lot of information is circulated about how exactly a child should be taught. It seems that one has to keep several things in mind while dealing with kids. However, this is far from true. Educating a kid is actually quite easy if you teach by telling tales.Story books are a
Educate Children Through Story Books
Posted by fredy
Posted on 23:31
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Book Reviews,
Childrens Books
Ways 4 Questions to Help Your Genius Find You
Posted by fredy
Posted on 23:20
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If you're having trouble finding your life purpose, relax. We've got good news for you... What you love to do - what we call your inner genius - finds you. You don't find it.Let me explain...Have you seen the movie "The Legend of Bagger Vance"?Will Smith, who plays Bagger Vance, says to Matt Damon, who plays a golf pro who has "lost his swing", "You can't find your swing. What you've got to do is, you have to practice so that your swing finds you."Likewise, you can't find what you truly love until you practice. Then, your life purpose finds you.What do you practice?Practice doing things...1.
Book Reviews,