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Lives of the Predators, by Gordon Grice (The Red Hourglass)

The black widow spider is notorious for eating her mate as they copulate, but how many of us know much more than that about this beautiful, mysterious, spider?Grice collects black widows and keeps them in jars and studies them, and he tells us more than we care to know at times. But it is not just black widows that interest Grice, it is rattlesnakes, praying mantis, tarantula, pigs, dogs, and the recluse spider.The Lives of the Predators is fascinating, strange, and scary, all at the same time. Grice writes with such vivid imagery that you can almost feel the hairy tarantula, and hear the par

Judge Your Purchases Today

Reading is my one true passion. When I was young, I dreamed of better places. Places where all things were possible where all dreams came true. I read a book called ''Jericho'' published around early 60s and learned about people in difficult times. Books about Science, in the fields Biology, Geology & Earth Sciences. Science Fiction was always my favorite. The works of H.G. Wells, Huxley and Ray Bradbery fascinated me. Reading opened whole new worlds for me.I recently went to a book store with my son looking for books he needed for University. Expensive books(shudder). While I was walking

Explain Fair Game

Unfortunately though, the Plame affair was far from a fictitious paranoia ridden screenplay; and as history trudges on it will forever be a shadow looming over the legacy of the Bush administration and the damaging ramifications it placed on the public perception of the Central Intelligence Agency. Published in 2007, Plame's autobiography, Fair Game, provides insight into events surrounding her outing as an undercover CIA agent, its impact, and the twenty years of service she devoted to the CIA. This review will begin with a brief synopsis of Fair Game, discuss the unfolding of events that le

Review of Low Carb Is Easy Cookbook (Clever Interactive Online Cookbook)

A good cookbook gets well used and eventually becomes filled with notes, papers, smudges and miscellaneous residue from family gatherings. It is repeatedly hauled on and off the bookshelf, and the better the recipes it contains, the more quickly it shows loving wear. However, I was recently introduced to a fresh, fun and innovative cookbook that I can't wear out, no matter how much I love it. And that's only the beginning of its advantages and delights...As a low carber for many years I have found a great majority of terrific "low-carbed" recipes online through forums, e-mail groups, friends,

Adobe Photoshop CS One-on-One

As the title implies, Deke McClelland gives the reader a one-on-one approach to the wonders of Adobe Photoshop CS. The book provides a comprehensive walk through of the features of Photoshop in a classroom setting where the reader is the lone student and McClelland the teacher.Deke McClelland is an Adobe Certified Expert and a member of the PhotoshopWorld Instructor Dream Team. He was inducted into the National Association of Photoshop Professionals' Photoshop Hall of Fame in 2002.This full-color book includes two hours of video tutorials in CD. It features a step by step presentation of real
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